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St. Ferdinand Parish
1765 Charbonier Rd. Florissant, MO 63031
The Chapel is connected to the Duchesne Center on the side next to St. Ferdinand School. Parking is available directly next to the chapel.
If coming from Lindbergh, take Charbonier for one mile and St. Ferdinand will be on your right.
If coming from Howdershell, take Charbonier for a quarter mile and St. Ferdinand will be the second entrance on your left (the first is a one-way out of the parish).
The chapel is open 9 AM to 6 PM EVERY DAY
Please click HERE for Adoration Chapel policies during COVID-19
Exceptions include the Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday) and very severe inclement weather. Notifications of closures are found in the bulletin or through St. Ferdinand's e-mail system (you can sign up for the email system at the bottom of St. Ferdinand's home page).
...this beautiful gold vessel that typically holds the Eucharist for adoration is called a Monstrance?
Its name comes from the Latin word “monstrāre” which means “to show.”
Learn more fun facts on our Adoration Q&A page.
Please be respectful and quiet in the Adoration Chapel.
Please remember to genuflect (lower your body briefly by bending one knee to the ground) upon entering because you are in the real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. If you are physically unable to genuflect, please bow or make some act of reverence.
Never eat or drink in the chapel, including chewing gum or candy.
The telephone in chapel is for emergency use only.
If an emergency of a serious nature arises, call 911
Christ in the Eucharist may NEVER be left unattended, even for a very brief time. Make sure to check the sign-in sheet before you leave to make sure the person who is scheduled for the next hour is in the chapel before you leave.
Please DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING IN THE CHAPEL, including reading materials, flowers, prayer cards, flyers, and private devotionals. Thank you!