Click on the rectangles below for answers to frequently asked questions about Eucharistic Adoration.


The Eucharist is the Real Presence of Christ: the physical Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. During the Mass, the bread and wine are completely "transubstantiated" into the Real Presence, while the “accidents” of bread and wine remain.
“Only the substance is converted into another—the accidents remaining the same—just as would be the case if wood were miraculously converted into iron, the substance of the iron remaining hidden under the external appearance of the wood.” (read more at

Eucharistic Adoration extends Holy Communion in a lasting way and prepares us to participate more fully in the celebration of the Eucharistic mystery. It leads us to ‘acknowledge Christ’s marvelous presence in the sacrament’ and ‘invites us to the spiritual union with Him that culminates in sacramental communion'" - read more in the book Thirty-One Questions on Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament by the USCCB.

While many struggle with this great mystery, both today and in Jesus’s time, it is part of the foundation of the Catholic Church, and the basis for Eucharistic Adoration.


Perpetual Adoration (more properly defined as “Perpetual Exposition) at St. Ferdinand refers to the liturgical act whereby the Blessed Sacrament (the Real Presence in a host that was consecrated at Mass) is placed in a monstrance perpetually (24 hours a day, seven days a week) so that our community may gather together to pray before the exposed Eucharist. This is an extremely beautiful opportunity- Christ is literally present in Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Although not a physical communion like at Mass, we can participate in a spiritual communion. One way to do this is by using this prayer of spiritual communion.


“I already go to Mass every Sunday, pray privately at home, and try to be a good person. Why should I go to adoration? Isn’t Christ in each of us? God hears my prayers even at home already, right?”

Yes, Christ is in all these things, and all these things are good! Adoration allows us to participate in the community and build our relationship with God and others in a way similar to participating in Church. The Eucharist in the Mass is “truly the origin and purpose of the worship that is shown to the Eucharist outside Mass.”

Although Adoration is not a physical communion like at Mass, we are able to make a spiritual communion and “make contact with the very wellspring of grace… we are given the opportunity to thank Him for his passion, death, and glorious resurrection, the marvelous saving act that brought about our redemption.

Christ draws near to us, more intimate with us than we are with ourselves. He strengthens our share in His divine life, the life that transforms us into His likeness and, in the Spirit, He gives us access to the Father.” from "Thirty-One Questions on Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament") by the USCCB.

Adoration is one of the highest forms of connection we can have with God outside of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.


There are many things you can do in Adoration! Here are a few examples:
• Pray in the peaceful quiet
• Pray the rosary
• Read a spiritual book
• Meditate on how Christ in the Eucharist is truly “Here, with me, looking at me, and loving me”
In short, reverence with an emphasis on quiet peacefulness with the Lord. Consider looking at the "Learn Prayers" page to find prayers about adoration from the history of the church and its Saints.


  • There are 168 hours per week to fill. Someone must be in the chapel every hour of every day. Our goal is to have two Adorers each hour. We also need Adorers who will substitute if someone cannot be present for their regular hour.

  • The adoration chapel is only scheduled to close once a year— during the Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday). It symbolizes Christ’s physical absence from earth between His death and resurrection.

  • Although known to have occurred as early as the fourth century, perpetual adoration began to develop on a worldwide scale after the Council of Trent (1545-1563) when it was formally approved by Pope Julius III on October 11, 1551.

  • The beautiful gold vessel that holds the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel is called a “Monstrance,” from the Latin word “monstrāre” which means “to show.” The image at the top of this page is a photo of the Eucharist in the monstrance at St. Ferdinand's chapel.


  • Please DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING IN THE CHAPEL, including reading materials, flowers, prayer cards, flyers, and private devotionals. Thank you!

  • Please be respectful and quiet in the Adoration Chapel. Please refrain from doing group prayers out loud (Rosary, Chaplet, etc.) while in the chapel unless formally authorized by the pastor. This is to keep the chapel a place of quiet and peaceful adoration at all times for all parishioners. Thank you!

  • Please remember to genuflect (lower your body briefly by bending one knee to the ground) upon entering Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist; if you are physically unable to, please bow or make some act of reverence.

  • Never eat or drink in the chapel, including chewing gum or candy.

  • The telephone in chapel is for emergency use only.

  • If an emergency of a serious nature arises, call 911

  • Christ in the Eucharist may NEVER be left unattended, even for a very brief time. Make sure to check the sign-in sheet before you leave to make sure the person who is scheduled for the next hour is in the chapel before you leave.

“I feel ‘comforted’ when visiting the Chapel. Any anxiety or feelings of uncertainty about things in my life seem to vanish. I feel closer to God and the Blessed Mother more than when I pray away from the Chapel.
I believe God knows our every need, its just sometimes difficult to accept when or if something is going to happen when we want it to or in God’s time. I pray for patience and a willingness to accept the answer whatever it may be.”
— Anonymous Adorer at St. Ferdinand Chapel